Sunday, August 7, 2022

Connect To Cloud Computer

In the last issue, I likened cloud computers to the following

  1. Cloud Computer is like the one in a rental warehouse.
  2. Power on/off is done via the control panel.
  3. Cable is connected via ssh.

I also started out using AWS Workspaces, but got stuck on Sikulix and decided to use another service called WebARENA Indigo. 2 CPUs, 2G memory, and a maximum of 700 yen per month, which I think is a fair deal, except for the other free slot candidates.
After creating an account with it, the Control Panel got available. The first thing you need to do is create an SSH key, which means you need to prepare a Cable to connect your Cloud Computer to your home computer. When you create the SSH key, a file like private_key.txt will be downloaded, so keep it for later use.
Next, choose the type of OS to be used for instance creation from Ubuntu or other distributions (of course, you can choose Windows as well), and decide on the number of CPUs and memory size. For this time, I chose Ubuntu with 2 CPUs and 2G memory. Of course, the SSH key you created at the beginning is also specified here. Once the instance is created (it takes a little time), the Cloud Computer is finally activated and billing begins (lol). Right after creation, the power is on, so if you want to turn it off, you can do so from the Control Panel.
Finally, connect to your home computer with a cable (ssh). ssh is probably included in every OS nowadays, but if you don’t have it, install it. I can find the IP address and user ID of your in the Control Panel , and using private_key.txt ,

$ ssh -i private_key.txt" -l userid IPaddress

at last, start using Cloud Computer. I think this is the general flow of things, although there may be some differences in the use of various terms among providers.

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