Sunday, August 28, 2022

Thin Client

I was initially using AWS Workspaces as my Cloud Computer, but for some reason the RPA tool, Sikulix I got stuck (;-o). So I used an NTT-affiliated service called WebARENA Indigo as a second Cloud Cloud, with an OS of [Dynabook N40 from Home PC]( 08/093429) and basically the same configuration. dynabook N40 runs crisply after installing Linux, but [sometimes freezes]( 06/27/180000), a fatal phenomenon that has not yet been resolved. However, with this configuration, even if the home PC freezes, the Cloud Computer keeps the work status as it is, and if RPA is running.
If you feel it means Thin Client? You've got good sense, I think (:-). Yes, that's right. It has already been a common IT concept in this industry for 15 years, meaning a thin computer. In this case thin means not refer to a phisically thin computer like a Mac Book, but rather to a computer a with few functions. In other words, in this case, it means that the home computer side only displays the screen of the Cloud Computer and performs a few functions. Therefore, a relatively old and slow computer is considered sufficient, and the fact that my dynabook N40 has settled into this position is a natural consequence of the natural flow of things (:-).

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