Sunday, August 28, 2022

Thin Client

I was initially using AWS Workspaces as my Cloud Computer, but for some reason the RPA tool, Sikulix I got stuck (;-o). So I used an NTT-affiliated service called WebARENA Indigo as a second Cloud Cloud, with an OS of [Dynabook N40 from Home PC]( 08/093429) and basically the same configuration. dynabook N40 runs crisply after installing Linux, but [sometimes freezes]( 06/27/180000), a fatal phenomenon that has not yet been resolved. However, with this configuration, even if the home PC freezes, the Cloud Computer keeps the work status as it is, and if RPA is running.
If you feel it means Thin Client? You've got good sense, I think (:-). Yes, that's right. It has already been a common IT concept in this industry for 15 years, meaning a thin computer. In this case thin means not refer to a phisically thin computer like a Mac Book, but rather to a computer a with few functions. In other words, in this case, it means that the home computer side only displays the screen of the Cloud Computer and performs a few functions. Therefore, a relatively old and slow computer is considered sufficient, and the fact that my dynabook N40 has settled into this position is a natural consequence of the natural flow of things (:-).

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Sunday, August 21, 2022

Audacity on Cloud Computer #2

I am using VNC via ssh to Cloud Computer, and when I use it in full screen mode, it runs so smoothly and comfortably that it is indistinguishable from my home PC. There is one important problem: most VNC do not support sound. I have yet to find a free one that supports Linux, which is the target of this project (lol). In other words, ordinary Cloud Computer cannot, in principle, use sound. On the other hand, AWS Workspaces is an original application that is not VNC, so it is indeed possible to use sound as a standard feature. I have always thought that I can watch video services such as Youtube and Netflix on my FireTV, so this is not a big problem, but I would like to try VNC with sound one day if I can find one. I was wondering what would happen if I tried to use Audacity on a Cloud Computer with no sound.
When I tried it on AWS Workspaces, I was able to record easily and the sound quality was much better than on my home computer, which was a bonus. As with AWS Workspaces, I started up Pavucontrol, which is a good companion to Audacity, but it did not actually produce sound. The Output Devices showed only Dummy Output, and since there were no other options, I was able to record as is. It is a little inconvenient that I cannot operate the PC while checking the audio output on the home PC side, but the sound quality is very good and the result is better than I expected, just like with AWS Workspaces. It exceeded my expectations (IoI).

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Sunday, August 14, 2022


I had been using AWS Workspaces as my Cloud Personal Computer, but it was so complete that there was no room for innovation, so I decided to try another service and started using something called WebARENA Indigo. In industry jargon, usually, the former is called VDI and the latter is called VPS, but in this world of terminology, it's hard to understand either way, so I'll try not to use those kind of terms here. The main difference is that AWS Workspaces can be used almost immediately after purchase, but WebARENA Indigo cannot be used as a Cloud Computer without some configuration by yourself.  
I have already connected to the cloud computer using a cable called ssh, but I still can't use the mouse with it. So first, I need to install an application to use the mouse on the Cloud Computer. This time I chose Ubuntu, so it looks something like this.

$ sudo apt-get -y install ubuntu-desktop
$ sudo apt-get -y install ubuntu-desktop

By the way, there is also the term Desktop, which I also use in my work, but I think it is actually a word whose meaning is difficult to understand, so I will use the term Application that allows you to use a mouse here (:-). There may be various other detailed settings required, but I'll omit them here.
To connect Cloud Computer and Home Computer,l use an application called VNC. First, connect an ssh cable for VNC.

$ ssh.exe -L 9999:localhost:5901 -i private_key.txt" -l login ID IP address
$ ssh.exe -L 9999:localhost:5901 -i private_key.txt" -l login ID IP address

9999 and 5901 are called ports, but here you can think of them as ssh cable plugs. Next, launch the VNC application on the Cloud Computer side and the Home PC side respectively. On the Cloud Computer side, type just like

$ vncserver
$ vncserver

This is all there is to it. Of course, this assumes that VNC is properly installed. The port 5901 is a standard VNC port. Of course, you can change it, but I won't go into that here.
Finally, start up the VNC application on the Home Computer side connecting to :


localhost refers to the home computer on the network. The number can be almost anything other than 9999, as long as it matches what you specified in ssh. Now I am safely connected to the Cloud Computer. You may want to check how to make it full screen (full screen), as it varies from VNC app to VNC app, such as F8 or moving the mouse to the upper left corner....

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Sunday, August 7, 2022

Connect To Cloud Computer

In the last issue, I likened cloud computers to the following

  1. Cloud Computer is like the one in a rental warehouse.
  2. Power on/off is done via the control panel.
  3. Cable is connected via ssh.

I also started out using AWS Workspaces, but got stuck on Sikulix and decided to use another service called WebARENA Indigo. 2 CPUs, 2G memory, and a maximum of 700 yen per month, which I think is a fair deal, except for the other free slot candidates.
After creating an account with it, the Control Panel got available. The first thing you need to do is create an SSH key, which means you need to prepare a Cable to connect your Cloud Computer to your home computer. When you create the SSH key, a file like private_key.txt will be downloaded, so keep it for later use.
Next, choose the type of OS to be used for instance creation from Ubuntu or other distributions (of course, you can choose Windows as well), and decide on the number of CPUs and memory size. For this time, I chose Ubuntu with 2 CPUs and 2G memory. Of course, the SSH key you created at the beginning is also specified here. Once the instance is created (it takes a little time), the Cloud Computer is finally activated and billing begins (lol). Right after creation, the power is on, so if you want to turn it off, you can do so from the Control Panel.
Finally, connect to your home computer with a cable (ssh). ssh is probably included in every OS nowadays, but if you don’t have it, install it. I can find the IP address and user ID of your in the Control Panel , and using private_key.txt ,

$ ssh -i private_key.txt" -l userid IPaddress

at last, start using Cloud Computer. I think this is the general flow of things, although there may be some differences in the use of various terms among providers.

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